Weight Loss Solutions
Call today: 805.444.9791
Email us: info@ultimateweightloss4me.com
After checking your BMI, take a look to see which program is right for you. Based on your medical condition, amount of weight you desire to lose, lifestyle, and budget we can completely customize a program for you.
Check your BMI (Body Mass Index), to determine if you’re a candidate for the OPTIFAST program. Enter your information in the BMI box and click on “Calculate BMI.” for the OPTIFAST program.
© Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions 2016
Welcome to
Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions
Our mission is to provide a safe and custom-designed solution to weight loss in order to lead a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
Our friendly and professional team works together to provide high-quality, comprehensive care that is designed for your individual situation.
Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions is the most comprehensive weight loss program. With medical
guidance throughout the program, Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions uses education, nutrition, and lifestyle education sessions to help you lose weight and feel healthy in Mind, Body, and Soul.
While patients are on a full or partial meal replacement diet, we provide a comprehensive lifestyle education program that helps participants acquire information and skills necessary for successful ongoing weight management.
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Our YouTube Channel UltimateWLS
© Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions 2012
Call today: 805.444.9791
Email us: info@ultimateweightloss4me.com
Our Oxnard Office:
Come and Visit us at our office in Oxnard!!!
Our Address is:
2831 N Ventura Rd.
Oxnard, CA 93036