Weight Loss Solutions
Call today: 805.444.9791
Email us: info@ultimateweightloss4me.com
Check your BMI (Body Mass Index), to determine if you’re a candidate for the OPTIFAST program. Enter your information in the BMI box and click on “Calculate BMI.” for the OPTIFAST program.
Take a look at our F.A.Q. Page. If that doesn't answer your question give us a call or send us an email.
Call today: 805.444.9791
Email us: info@ultimateweightloss4me.com
© Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions 2013

1. Wadden TA, et al. A multicenter evaluation of a proprietary weight loss program for the treatment of marked obesity, Arch Intern Med. 1992; 152:961-966.
2. Wadden TA, et al. A multicenter evaluation of a proprietary weight loss program for the treatment of marked obesity: A five year follow-up. Int J East Disord. 1997; 22:203-212.
*The typical OPTIFAST patient lose over 50lbs in 18-24 weeks. For many dieters weight loss is temporary.
The OPTIFAST Program succeeds because it treats the whole you – not just your weight. With OPTIFAST, you’ll be closely monitored and given the support, counseling, lifestyle education, and meal replacements to help you enjoy long-term weight loss and significantly reduce weight-related health risks.
Follow-up studies at 5 years showed over 45% of patients kept enough weight off to improve their health long term*2
After 2 years, 40% of patients maintained more than half their weight loss; 78% of men and 60% of women maintained medically significant weight loss*2

Using The OPTIFAST Program
The OPTIFAST Program is a medically supervised weight management program that closely monitors and assesses progress towards better health and emotional well-being. The program, which usually lasts 18 weeks, utilizes a full meal replacement plan that transitions to self-prepared ‘everyday’ meals, in conjunction with comprehensive patient education and support.
Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions
How our Programs will Change You!...
After checking your BMI, take a look to see which program is right for you.
Based on your medical condition, amount of weight you desire to lose, lifestyle, and budget we can completely customize a program for you.